Thursday, December 27, 2018

Baby steps

OK, I don't have to do everything at once...or at all.
I'm determined to get to feeling better.  So I'm just starting today.
This depressed feeling, grief over loss, sadness, not being motivated to do a thing.

Today is a start to do one little thing.
There, just that one thing is done.
Now I'm resting.

Another one little thing.
Acknowledging that I can accomplish something.

I love the earth-rise picture from the moon...I've lived through such interesting times.  Men walked on the moon.

I had children, and now they've had children too.  I survived my own childhood.  Yay, haven't we all, somehow or another.

So today everyone is looking at their latest gifts.

But today I'm finally wrapping my gifts to my children and grandchildren.  Five of whom won't even be home till the end of the month.  So their package will not be mailed too soon.

Anyway, I am sending New Year's gifts this year.

And 4 of them just got wrapped! I may not wrap the ceramic pieces, since they'll be in bubble wrap anyway.

Unfortunately 3 sons will get just a promise of their gifts, because I haven't finished them yet.  They are to get a genealogy showing our lineage back to Edward I Plantagenet of England.  I will work on it again each night until I can print it for them...and get some copies made to go in the binders...and make an updatable copy on thumb-drives.  This is a determined mom that keeps on doing a bit here and there on these documents...I can give them something of myself this way.

Now, more baby steps. There is not the pressure of getting gifts to them by Christmas, when they would have been buried under trees with thousands of others.  No kidding, I've been at their houses for Christmas before.  Well, my youngest doesn't "do christmas" so I guess he doesn't have gifts under a tree at all.  He also doesn't give gifts.  I love him anyway. And I always give him and his lovely lady gifts's a mothering thing.

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