Thursday, November 8, 2018

Working and playing

A giraffe you say? Well why not? Here is my dining table with all the pots waiting to get packed, and one little guy waiting for stain.  Should I put some spots on him too? (I did, and you'll have to wait to see how they glaze.) I am miffed that phone photos all seem to focus on the background rather than the subject today.  Sorry about that.

I post this an hour before I lie back in a dentist chair.  Glory glory, my teeth cost me dearly, when my parents decided an education was worth more than a mouth with straight teeth...oh they gave me some troubles to look forward to.  Like knowing that last sentence makes grammarians cringe.

Then I have to take another dead tropical fish back to the store, to be replaced (if it's within the 2 week guarantee period).  I may get some new ones, since yesterday was their delivery day.

Politics.  Enough said.  Nothing to make me feel better or worse.  If something feels like progress, then something comes along and feels like disaster.

My intention today?

Laughter.  I need to laugh more.  Don't we all.

Today's Quote:
Authentic spirituality is revolutionary. It does not legitimate the world, it breaks the world; it does not console the world, it shatters it. And it does not render the self content, it renders it undone.


  1. You make me want to take up pottery. I love what you wrote about politics. Yes. And let's laugh, but don't read the headlines anywhere.

  2. I love my dentist...she comes in laughing, and says "sorry" all the time when she makes me uncomfortable. Now I wait another 6 months to come back. She did a great job getting everything in good form (not anything about the shape of crooked teeth is good "shape." But they are healthy at least.

  3. Love the little giraffe - so cute. Made my heart smile :)
    Also love the quote from Ken Wilbur. Will have to remember this!
    We live at 5,643 ft here in Colorado, just 645 ft lower than your highest mountain :DDDD Now that makes me laugh!

  4. Oh that's so funny, and I guess I feel for you, living with less oxygen al the time! When I visited CO several years back, I drove up to one of the 14ers. The one that has the highest road. Don't remember what it's name was.

  5. That would probably be Mt. Evans. It's over 14,000 feet. I can't do that drive anymore. I get altitude sickness now. /\/\/\

  6. Yes, thanks for the name. The Rockies are simply wonderful mountains. I love the softer rounder Appalachians now.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.