Monday, November 12, 2018

Dreaming away

Rolling out of bed this morning...took my time and did some yoga-like stretches, making those old muscles know I still love 'em and want them to keep on moving the old body around another day.  I'm always grateful (these days, I wonder when this started happening) to wake up to another day.  I think I started feeling this way when I was still employed, working with seniors.  That was for the last few years of my career.

Oh, then there's the dream review that happens first thing.  One day last week it was of having 11 kittens to feed and love on.  

Today it was of visiting my middle son,  Russ, who took me for a ride with one of my other son's sons in a mythical van which I used to own back in the 70s.  Anyway, it was different this time...but as we drove through a neighborhood in a subdivision, Russ (the driver) hopped out of the van as it was slowly going.  I was sitting in the back back of the van, and wanted to jump over the seats and reach forward to the steering wheel...but realized the shape I was in precluded it.  No panic, as the van seemed to slowly go around a corner without any troubles.  I am sure I asked my grandson to do something (in a panicky voice.)  

Well, that was a dream I was glad to wake from.  I remember the van was going slower (thank heavens) and had gone several blocks, when Russ jumped back in, having done something like delivering a coke (it's a dream, what do you expect?) as if a paper boy delivery.  I'm pretty sure I said something like, "what if a child had run out into the street."

So maybe it's a forecast of driverless cars.  And it's definitely a connection to my visit that I'm planning to see Russ and his family for the holidays.  I was glad to have a presence of my grandson, though it was just incidental to the action.

Incidentally, I'm still waking up at the same time, though the clocks have now been set back an hour  by a complete week.  It's going to sleep in the evening that is strange for me.

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