Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The sun has come out!

One of my favorite stained glass windows.  But I forgot where it is, and who made it.  If you know, please comment!

Cool nights mean I open my windows, but hot days (with high humidity) mean I close them and turn on that AC.  This shot doesn't show the sun much, and the ridge tops are still in clouds.

I've had a busy week and it's only hump day.  Going to get more active in the arts...signing up to be on a waiting list for a show out of town.  If there's a cancellation, I might be in.  Big IF.  And I'm going to get active in the Swannanoa Fine Arts League again.  See, today things look much more promising.  Why? I think I am able to keep up with the plans each day again.   Recovering from Pneumonia usually takes about a month...and I'm in my 4th week now.

Yesterday I threw on the wheel for the first time in a week.  What with the studio closed for flooding (just a bit causing a wet floor for a couple of days)... and some days my coughing really puts me into low energy...well, I've been lucky to get to lunch at the Council on Aging site here...and maybe do a bit of volunteer work.  I was at the Swannanoa History Museum 2 afternoons this month...and it's an easy sitting welcoming kind of job.

Today's big adventure was having my management do an inspection of my make sure there are no leaks, or other damages.  I did mention to the manager that the outside wall in my kitchen is so damp that a wood cutting board leaning up against the refrigerator grew some mold.  I cleaned it with vinegar (the cutting board) but I think I'll swab it with bleach before cutting any food on it.  I also got my batteries in the smoke detectors changed while the maintenance man was checking that they were working. He was happy to use my step stool, and that meant I didn't have to.

I'm about to go to lunch, which is only $1.50 donation for the meal.  Today's one of my favorites, buttermilk fried chicken strips.  I have to watch that I don't eat too much of the mashed potatoes, and I usually skip eating the buns.  But the green veggies are usually good, as well as some kind of sweet desert.

I hope a friend of mine who just turned 60 will start coming to the lunch program.  There are lots of different kinds of people.  On Tuesdays we have a Spanish Conversation table...where we each take 2 vocabulary words and bring them back in sentences the next week.  It's great when a hispanic person also joins us, and can correct our pronunciation...if she can bare it!

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