Sunday, August 19, 2018

Being less portable...

Packing the clothes was simple.  Just a few shirts, tops, underthings.  But the equipment needs to be packed in order to spend a few days at a friend's house.

Dry out the little water container for the C-PAP, then pack it into it's carrier.  I think I figured out a way to get the nebulizer in it too.  But first I must do my last breathing treatment (while I'm typing actually.)  I will also let it run for a few minutes to make sure any condensation has dried out in its hose.  And I'll try to bring along a dry set of the 5-piece breathing apparatus.  I wash it out after each treatment, and it's usually dry for the next one.  I have about 3 that I alternate at home, but will only take one with me.

The laptop is squared away. Shall I bring the mini-iPad? I think so, because it gives me links to my library books which I read as I go to bed each night.  I'm now onto Maisy Dobbs, thanks to another blog friend. 

Then there are the pharmaceuticals...I've decided not to put them into one of those dividers, because I get confused with the morning and evening doses.  So the whole bottles of pills are going in a soon as I do my morning doses in a minute.  There's a inhaler or 2 to take as well.

I made some coffee and had some yogurt for breakfast.  Need to clean up and not leave the grounds in the that means it will be last thing before taking out the trash.

Food to take for sharing with my friend...take the ice and shrimp, put them in the cooler...but wait.  I'll come home and do that before I get on the road after church.  Why leave it in the car during church?  I also have food for driving...granola bars, peanuts, chocolate.  What? not nutritious? Yes there are also nectarines and bananas.

Wish me safe travels.  I'll be saying a little blessing/prayer for the same.
Hope your day is also full of love and light.

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