Sunday, July 29, 2018

Facebook needs my help

First, we know there are so many other responses needed than those "like, love..." etc.
And then just a few minutes ago, FB said "There are no more new posts to show you now."
FB ran out of posts?
OK, they are in real trouble.

Here I sit doing my breathing treatment, 20 min. morning and evening on the nebulizer.  And I entertain myself with FB, or I used to.

Any of my "friends on FB" know I share, whenever I read something pretty or eye catching or just well put.  I've stopped doing cats (too painful with my recent loss.)  But I've picked up some new venues to follow.

So out of my 26 allowed contacts on their algorithm, how could they have run out?

I will go check my blog friends, they can be counted on at least.

Today's quote:
“A Witch ought never to be frightened in the darkest forest because she should be sure in her soul that the most terrifying thing in the forest was her.”  Hecatedemeter

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