Sunday, February 15, 2015

My Toys - Home movies part 8

A horrible shot taken from the home movies, but I share it because it's hard to get stop action of a swinging child...myself, around 1944.

The little metal wheelbarrow was great when paired with an old kitchen spoon for moving around various bits of rock and sand.

While my mom worked on a Victory Garden, I had some little pots in which I would put dirt and water, and of course make mud pies.  (I returned to the joy of mud again in college and when I retired and became a potter)

I was so thrilled to have a tricycle.

When I got tired of riding, I would tump it over...

And spin the wheels with my hands.

Imagination for use outside the box!


1 comment:

  1. Hello Barbara, how lovely to have home movies from your childhood! I really enjoyed this and your previous home movie posts.
    Thanks for coming over to visit me today, I’m glad my humble Sepia Saturday post gave you an idea – I will be back to see what it is! Barbara


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