Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Home movies - part 6

In honor of Valentine's Day this Saturday, I share some folks who loved each other. First my grandparents, Ada and George Rogers, Sr, who were married for 55 years.
Ada Rogers, 1947 Houston TX

George Rogers Sr, 1947 Houston TX
George Rogers Jr and Barbara Rogers, Nov. 9, 1945 Dallas TX
Mataley Rogers, Dec 25, 1947 Houston TX
My parents, Mataley and George Rogers, Jr. were married 49 years.

Many times I wished that they had divorced since the tension was so awful when growing up in their house...but when I'd become an adult and moved out, and after my Dad died in 1985, I saw that under all their faults, they did love each other. 

This Valentine's post of old photos is being shared on Sepia Saturday.  Come over there to see some other interesting "sepia or otherwise" posts maybe related to this theme.


  1. Yes, my parents had a similar relationship where one would think they would just call it quits. All their anger about life's things they took out on each other.

  2. I find with memories that they are only brief snapshots of a point in time and I am not remembering the masses of time between those snapshots which could possibly affect the overall picture. I like toi think so, anyway.

  3. Barb, I liked how you framed the photos. A tad of old photo feel, a bit of understated -- sort of how it is with living long with one another.
    Good choice.

  4. I think you are right to focus on the good times and the underlying love of your parents. A nice way to remember them.

  5. I think it's hard for children to understand that while mommy & daddy may love each other, there are going to be disagreements. My parents had a wonderful relationship, but they didn't always agree on things. Fortunately they kept most of their disagreements private. Unfortunately I have an explosive temper & so does my husband so I was constantly having to reassure our kids that yes, Mom & Dad loved each other & no, we weren't going to get a divorce. I wish, in retrospect, we'd been a little quieter about our disagreements, but too late now. Luckily the kids all turned out all right.

  6. Such an interesting approach to this Sepia prompt. It's wonderful seeing couples who hang in there for the long stretch.

  7. Thank you for being so honest and sharing.

  8. What a great idea to share slides of home movies. The vintage theme really comes through. Seems many Sepians are sharing memories of their parents' and grandparents' love for one another. Thanks for sharing yours.

  9. Well, you never know, my fist husband and I never argued, but still ended up divorcing after 22 years. We are still good friends. Loved the old black and white pictures in your post.

  10. Love the shot of you and your father, Barb -- that's sweet!

  11. Children never like hearing their parents argue! I know mine didn't, but it was never over anything major, and somehow we are still together after 41 years :-)

  12. I grew up in a "Leave It to Beaver" sort of family and rarely saw or heard my folks fight. For the first ten years of my life we mainly lived around other military families. Suddenly when we moved into a civilian neighborhood I discovered that my life was not like so many others. I'm sure things went on in military homes, but the consequences were much more severe than in civilian life so I think things were kept quiet.

    I do love those photos of you with your dad. Very special.


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