Monday, October 20, 2014

One thing at a time

It's a busy time of year here.  Various pottery sales, and remember I'm just a hobbiest potter, so I don't do the big shows that professionals do.  And getting ready for holidays, as well as change of seasons!

I just spent most of yesterday bringing the plants inside, because it was a beautiful day to be outside.  I've finally gotten ahead of the game, not waiting till a frost is forecast before I do this job. 

So YAY Barb, I say to myself.

Muffin is pretty happy with the lavender plant as long as there is room on the sewing machine for her as well.

This year they will catch the morning sun...which made it a bit difficult to take a picture with that backlighting.  I've also covered the bare dirt with a plastic mulch, in hopes of keeping kitties from thinking these are nice little round kitty pans.  It's worked for me for years.

Panther was more interested in her fish TV show.  She loves to watch them eat, and hopes I'll spill some of their food for her own treat.

But it looks like she's also interested in the view outside.

The Gourami in the large tank just want breakfast, while the glass reflects the rest of the room.

1 comment:

  1. Your cute kitty has beautiful coloration. Your life seems settled and creative and engaged with the community. Aren't you lucky to have found this marvelous area where you can enjoy nature, folks, sights and other stimulating situations. Your posts reflect your satisfaction with the choices you have made. Nice photos. -- barbara


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