Thursday, August 28, 2014

Who likes a beach?

OK, I did dig back a bit, and here are photos from a visit to Galveston Beach with my family. Top photos show Uncle Chauncey on left, me and sis on inner tube, and my dad, George Rogers making sure nobody tumps over into the water. The next pair of pics show Grandmother on log with myself and little sis (looks like I was around 6 thus 1948.) Love my Gummy's hat and dress! And gloves?

I'm sharing my beach photos with Sepia Saturday, as one of the keepers of the family mementos,  I thought it would be a nice collection.  Swim on over to see the rest of the Sepians' selections related to beaches HERE.

OK, having a granddaughter who's a gymnast kind of takes my own love of beaches in spirit and blows it - right out of the water!

Now this sheet of scanned photos says it is from 1954, but I'm pretty sure my little sister doesn't look 8, much closer to 4, in which I would have been around 8, thus placing it around 1950. Since we moved from Texas to Missouri that year, it's pretty likely we had one last visit to the beach.  I like that my grandmother and mother allowed their photos to be taken along with us.  This is by a pier which no longer exists in Galveston, TX.

Fast forward a few years, and here's the Atlantic rolling onto the shores of Florida...and what are those big blocky shadows?  Well, try 14-story condos.  That's where I was standing several years ago as a guest.  I sure enjoyed the visit.

My oldest son and 5 of my grandchildren (2 of whom are his)  OK, I admit it's not the beach.
There are frequent thunderstorms in beach areas.

But once the storm is past, the sun returns and it heats back up again

This is one of my favorite beaches, even in February, Myrtle Beach, SC

Another favorite beach is St. Augustine, FL
Don't miss the hardy surfer, this was taken in November, 2011

St. Augustine Beach attracts tourists, a few blocks from where I lived for 4 years, (many moons ago.)

Here is my gymnast granddaughter, all cool and cleaned up for dinner-out with the family, and sharing a lovely sunset over the inland waterway...(in 2012)


  1. Seems you've had some lovely sea side holidays over the years

  2. I haven't heard of that word 'tumps' before, and also am wondering why your mother and grandmother might not have wanted to pose with you - do you mean because they were in their swimming costumes? Guess I'm not a big fan of being photographed in mine either.

  3. Gene, I do love to go to the beach, and am due for a trip again soon. Jo, yes, I thought I might have made that word up, tumps...and you are right, the women were a bit shy in their swim attire.
    I just upgraded my link so it works to Sepia Saturday, somehow it only went to the photo before. Oops.

  4. Many memories of olden days gone by at the beach! My own grandmother would surely have been at the beach in dress, hat, & gloves - except sadly, I don't ever remember her being at the beach with us, though I know in her younger days the family camped at Lake Tahoe. Dad never talked about her swimming, though. And your mom in her bathing cap, & you in the bloomers. Ah yes - I remember it well. And you certainly have a passel of cute grandkidlets!

  5. I loved playing on the beach when I was a young child, and didn't even mind being photographed in my swimsuit.

  6. I like new words so the dictionary gave me the meaning of tumps, though not the main meaning, as a Southern US version of overturning. So you've picked up the use of the word somewhere along the line and used it correctly. Great photos.

  7. Lots of happy days and good times with family. It's nice to see.

  8. A wonderful collection of photos. Thank you for sharing them.

  9. I do! I do! Your photos are great too!

  10. Oh how well I remember the fun we used to have as kids on the inner tubes!

  11. I guess there must be some people who don't like the beach but not many I feel, Great times for your family at the beach over many years. Love the old bathing costumes, and funny how you forget women, and girls, always wore bathing caps....haven't worn one for decades.

  12. You can’t beat a visit to the beach and there’s a great selection to choose from here. The hat, and gloves though, that’s a first.

  13. Storms over the beach can be very exciting to watch -- from a safe place, of course.

    I love your grandmother all dressed up in hat and gloves sitting on a log, of all places!


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