Wednesday, May 21, 2014

School days

For our Sepia Saturday meme, this week we get to share school pictures.  Mmm, not those awful ones of year books, thank you very much!

Photo from: Flickr Commons collection of the State Archives of North Carolina

So come over HERE to see what other Sepians have been inspired to post (scroll to bottom of that page where names are listed for links to their posts).  You are welcome to post your own blog on- (or maybe off-) theme and list your link as well!  The girls in the photo were captured in 1917.  That's the year my mother was born.  My photos are a bit more recent!  Sharing some of the family photos of my youth again.

These were taken of the campus of Principia, in St. Louis, MO in about 1953.  My father was a bit proud of his Studebaker.  Top photo shows the girls dorm, with the gym over to the left side.  Next photo (on right) shows car with the Upper School in the background.  And the lower photo shows my sister and myself (the tall one in matching Easter Outfits) in front of the Administration Building.

I mentioned this campus a few weeks ago, HERE, and talked about my high school years a bit.  As you can see we were a bit younger than that when we started school there.  Actually my sister was about 4 I think, and I had just turned 8 when I entered 3rd grade.  I had no other school experience besides Principia until my sophomore year of college, when I attended William and Mary for summer school.  Then I quit college completely my spring quarter of my junior year of college.  That's when my adult life actually started.


  1. Lovely post, and no awful photos here! Very cute indeed. It's funny how men especially are still pretty proud of their cars, or boats and trucks these days too! Your dad's car was great too.

  2. Awful yearbook pictures? I guess we were really lucky. We had wonderful imaginative student photographers who took amazing pictures of student activities for our yearbooks. Even the professional portraits were generally pretty good. The matching Easter dresses brings back warm memories of me and my sisters. My grandmother used to make us all matching outfits for Easter.

  3. You look cute in your matching outfits.

  4. My favourite you and your sister in your Easter outfits. I too usually had something new to wear for church on Easter Sunday.

  5. The school looks rather like someone's home especially the Admin building. No wonder you and your sister are relaxed in front of it.

  6. Even thought my sister and I often had matching Sunday dresses, for Easter we did not. We each had our own fancy dress.

  7. Neat photos. You can't find many cars today with the curves of a Studebaker.

  8. We don't have the same college system here, so no real year books. Some schools now have them, but not back 'in my day'
    Great old car

  9. How nice that you dressed up for Easter; that tradition is dying out too now, more’s the pity.


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