Thursday, March 27, 2014

Cars in the picture

Edited June 2014
In 1925 my grandmother (Mom's mom) posed with a nice white-wall tire right behind her.   Sepia Saturday this week, (HERE) asks us to show some cars, and these are t
And in 1927 her sister, Margaret and a friend had some really hot looking cars in their background.

The Rogers family drove Studebakers for years.  My dad in the middle between his parents in 1942.  They had driven to visit us in Dallas, and I think they lived in San Antonio at that time. I'm pretty sure everyone was waiting for me to be born about then.

In 1949 my father posed in front of our Studebaker in Houston, with my sis and myself.

Here's the back bumper of the same car that year, now at the monument at San Jacinto, Texas.

We had another Studebaker in St. Louis.  Here my mom is posing with her daughters.

And another Studebaker, in 1952.  (Dresses made by my mom's mom!)

Much later we had a'48 Mercury "woody" in St. Louis.

 Mom drove kids to school and home again in it, until it skidded on ice into a ditch one day.  I think that was the end of her being a "bus driver."  I find it very odd that this picture is of just the car.  I wonder why my family kept that one photo of a car all these years.

And here's a lovely picture of my grandmother (Mom's mother) in 52, with what kind of car she's leaning against?  Somewhere from the recesses of my brain I want to say Hudson.

I'm looking pleased with the snow while our little Studebaker is covered in about 1956 (or maybe 58) and my father has the job of shoveling.

I think my family took pictures of people, usually posed, and with mostly fake smiles on our faces.  The cars were something my Dad was proud of most of the perhaps he posed us near them.  But also they were the way to catch us up all dressed up on the way going somewhere.


  1. The picture of you & your sister wearing identical plaid dresses posing in front of the '52 Studebaker caught my eye - not because of the car, but because of the dresses. My grandmother used to make matching dresses for my 2 sisters & me for Easter every year & of course we'd have to pose for the camera in them - once, actually, in front of the old '42 Pontiac.

  2. Well you were a very faithful Studebaker family, with just a little straying. Interesting photos.

  3. Love the pictures of your family and the cars in various years. Nice memories.

  4. Great bunch of family car photos. I really like that type of photo.

  5. Clever you to think of using cars for this week's post - a great collection from your personal archives.

  6. You grew quite a bit between 1952 and 1956. I will have to find similar photos of myself. Nice bunch of car photos too. I don't think we have so many pictures of cars.

  7. Love all the car pictures, and yes, like many families, we too posed with the car as background. The 1952 picture caught my attention as I had dresses like those you and your sister are wearing. My mother sewed all of my clothes so I'm guessing it was a popular pattern, back in the day.

  8. So glad you all let me know things...yes those dresses were made by my mom's mom (and I've added that to the post). And you're right, the difference in age between 52 and 56 wouldn't account for that much growth, so it was probably 58 or so (and I've changed that in post as well! Thanks everyone!

  9. This was a super collection. My family has hundreds of similar car/family snapshots too. I think it is a very American photo. I liked the 1952 duo photo and that old "woody" was the real deal harking back to the horse-drawn wagons of the West.

  10. Why oh why did people mutilate their photos so?

  11. I would fail any general knowledge test on the subject of cars but this was an interesting post because of the choice of photos.

  12. What fabulous cars they are - metal sculptures on four wheels.

  13. Such wonderful car photos! I remember the divided windshield (when did it become one piece, anyway?); also, those fabulous woody station wagons! I see one every now and then on old reruns of The Waltons!

  14. nice car photos, with everyone looking like they were dressed up to go somewhere in the cars, maybe church?

  15. Studebaker -- can't think of a better name for a car. I don't think my family ever had one, but I do wonder about relatives.

  16. I thought about doing a car post this week but got distracted.
    A friend had a 'woody' - we always nicknamed it 'the splinter van'

  17. Never heard of a woody but now I want one. Cars always looked so much better then than they do now.

  18. The only thing missing from that woody is a surfboard on top!

    Great that you have all these photos with the family cars. I wish my folks had done the same.


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