Thursday, March 6, 2014

Backyards and children

Edited June 2014
A backyard view, fences are also a good topic.
I think I'll pull a couple of photos out of the files...and send you over to Sepia Sat. March 8, 2014 for other Sepian's posts at the bottom of that site...just click on their names, mine will be there.  And if you're inclined, it's really easy to join in the fun.  Don't forget to make a comment too about whatever you've posted when you sign up your own link to your blog.

My sister was born on Feb 3, 1946, so she and Mommy might have been home from the hospital.  Anyway, look what we got to play with in Dallas, TX!  This was new and fun for me...though I had not a single glove on, but those mittens are hanging by their strings from my cuffs.  I don't know who the young man behind me might be, and I am all of 3-1/2 years old here.

Then here we have a child size swing (probably made by my father who loved to do projects like this) and myself on left at about 5-6, and my sis age 2-3.  Houston, TX.

Fast forward to when my own sons sat in our backyard in Windsor, CT with elder Marty (5 years old) showing young Russ (less than 2) a wild daisy.


  1. Nice pictures, but the one of your sons Marty & Russ is adorable!

  2. You're cute, but that photo of Marty and Russ could win a prize.

  3. I had an 8x10 of that picture of the two boys, it also was one that I loved to look at...brotherly love personified.

  4. That swing looks very complicated!

  5. It's interesting to see how the different communities fence their back yards - some quite open to the neighbours and others giving privacy, well visual privacy - they don't necessarily keep out the neighbourly noise !

  6. What an interesting swing your father made!

  7. I guess you didn't get much snow in Dallas, so that must have been a treat.

  8. Lovely happy family photos. I remember wearing gloves on string through my sleeves and copied this for my daughter, That swing looks quite a contraption!

  9. I don't associate snow with Dallas. The back yard project looks very complicated and very well made.

  10. I was also interested to see the basement door. There are not many basements in Australia and it is probably for this reason that they have intrigued me.

  11. I'm another intrigued by the swing. Looking at the picket fence has reminded me that all the fences we have had have been solid so no-one could see through.

  12. Nice family photos, especially the last one of your two sons, and they appear to be having quite the conversation! So cute.

  13. Three very different photos you, your sis, and sons, but all delightfully cute! Well played.

  14. Your poor little fingers! Lovely pictures, all of them, but I have to agree, that last one is just wonderful.

  15. It just occurred to me that the bulk of photos in back yards are likely to include kids. Thanks for sharing yours.

  16. Great choices. I suspect most of us remember the backyards of childhood better than the home interiors.

  17. You might have instigated another SS idea - contraptions! That swing is amazing

  18. Isn't it funny how kids just don't seem to feel the cold! Great photos.

  19. I remember mittens on string! Great photos.


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