Saturday, November 30, 2013

Staying out of bed

Dear Diary:
There have been times in my life that my goal for the day is to stay in bed as much as possible.
When I was so worn out from work that my body ached, and I wanted nothing more than to sleep, perhaps to read a good book, even to watch TV in bed, weekend days were so precious for that.

Then there were days on end when I was depressed and wanted to avoid the life I was leading, or not leading but somehow surviving.

I won't even mention the times of my life where bed meant honeymoon.  Smiling memories of those times.

Today I'm setting a different intention.  To stay out of bed more than I'm in it.  For the past couple of weeks I've not exactly been physically active.  You might say my biggest activity was punching keys on the computer.  I could sit here for about 6-8 hours, with breaks but no coughing, and then try to lie down.  That would bring about awful coughing.  So I would sometimes go back to the computer and breathe and work on something for another hour, till I thought I was tired enough to prop myself up and try sleep again.

Today I woke up feeling rested.  I don't know what I did differently last night, but I didn't toss and turn with coughs, and today the sun is shining and I went for a walk around the lake.  I haven't been in months.  My physical activities have been severly limited and this was the first day I thought I might make it around.  About a week ago I got as far as a third of the way around and came right back, hacking away.

Today I stopped a few times to take pictures of ducks and people, but kept on trucking.  The gravel walkway was somewhat muddy from rain and then snow...but I slogged through.

I had a loss this week, of a visit with my Florida family...and my investment in airfare.  I was to fly out on Tues night with stormy weather, and the flight was delayed.  I was too sick to wait through the various delays, and asked a friend to bring me home.  I was actually in bed again when the flight that had been scheduled for 8:25 pm took off at 1:30 am.  I had already paid for the tickets in August, and was looking forward to being with my eldest son and his family for a few days...but it was not to happen.   I asked him to call me and tell me about his feast for Thanksgiving.

The medications to stop coughing felt like they befuddled my mind.  And I may not have had a fever, but I've been on antibiotics to keep from getting an infection, supposedly.  I still am taking them, but so far today haven't taken any Musinex or Tussin or narcotic laced cough syrup.  I have coughed a few times, and haven't experienced the suffocating feeling when coughing just doesn't let me get air.  What a relief.

It's amazing how many things I might do today, while being out and about in my home.  There are lots of ideas floating around in my head.  Activities!

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