Monday, August 26, 2013

My mother's lineage

I'm part of a loose group of women in our community.  They are pretty liberal minded, and liberated definitely.  Many of us have white hairs, but not all.  After our business meetings we sing a nice song, and recite our female lineage.

I used to be proud to go back 5 generations.  Many women, especially us elders, missed the chance of finding out who the mother's mother's mother might have been.

But since I've been blessed to have in my pocket (well laptop anyway) I've got more mother's than before.

The other day I proudly gave...
I'm Barbara
daughter of Mataley
daughter of Mozelle
daughter of Eugenia
daughter of Eugenia
daughter of Hannah
daughter of Polly
daughter of Hannah

It takes a while.  And now I feel like I know these women a bit better, having pieced together some of their lives with the little information I've found.  Each of them had a different last name, until me because I changed mine back to my maiden name.

They made homes.  But they also were travelers.  Only a few were born in the same place their mothers had been born.  They started in Virginia in the 18th century, and here I sit in North Carolina in the 21st century...though the loop led them through Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, and Texas where I was born.

And don't forget today is Women's Equality Day.
Here's a blog I read frequently telling lots about it...

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