Monday, August 19, 2013

My Bass heritage continues

How about the segregation that Virginians continued until recently? (or may be still continuing)

Some Native American Indians did have reservations as a result of treaties with first England, and later America.  Some of the Nansemond Indians joined their tribal relatives on the Pamunkey reservation.

Pamunkey Schoolhouse, Photograph, May 31, 1937
  During the colonial period, some American Indians residing in the different colonies or on the edges of newly settled regions were enslaved, some were moved out of their traditional homelands, and others received visits from missionaries who attempted to convert them to Christianity or to educate them in order that they could be absorbed into the European culture. In the 1690s the College of William and Mary, in Virginia, received a donation of funds to begin an Indian school that operated off and on until the twentieth century.

 Pamunkey school children around 1900

Official Virginia School system lesson:
August 2010
 Featured Lesson Plan: Jim Crow and Virginia Indians,

 The newest version of the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs) will be implemented across Virginia this year, and we at the Library of Virginia were pleased to see a fuller inclusion of American Indians in this version's history standards than in the 2001 version. Having noticed the changes, we set out to create lesson plans to reflect these updates. One notable place that American Indians will be studied now is in the lessons of Jim Crow–era Virginia and the United States. VS.8b now includes the Essential Knowledge that "'Jim Crow' laws had an effect on American Indians," and USII.4c now includes the Essential Knowledge that "American Indians were not considered citizens until 1924." 

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