Friday, August 30, 2013

A short Sepia Saturday post

I didn't think I had much to contribute to Sepia Saturday, though I remember my grandfather in "braces," the last post I did which showed lots of pictures of him didn't show his suspenders.  Drat it all.  (PS, I've linked 3 times now to Sepia Saturday above, and finally have the main site link, hope it works for you)

SO what do I have with the great 40s look?  Lots of women...but what about the men?

I'll submit this shot of the family (maybe after church ?)...probably in San Antonio, Texas...which was actually taken in the late 30s.  That double breasted suit of my fathers was probably what he was married in.  My grandfather on the far right has a vest on as well, hiding those suspenders.  And I do so miss the men's jauntily tilted hats.  Of course the clown was the youngest of my father's brothers, Uncle Jimmy.  And women wore hats to church all the time then as well.


  1. Uncle Jimmy 'made' that picture! SOMEBODY needed to smile - although it appears your grandfather might have had a nice smile on his face too. :))

  2. Such swagger! Such a grin! Uncle Jimmy shows them all! And he's got a great tie!

  3. Why is it that Jimmys are always the clowns? I have an uncle Jimmy. Same thing goes for him.

    It's a good photo - a bit "noirish".

  4. Thanks for your comments, Gail, Deb and Kat...yes, Uncle Jimmy was always good for comedy.

  5. Oh what hats they are. As far as I am concerned you could swap all those old clothes fashions for a re-emergence of mens' hats.

  6. Your father looks very jaunty. It looks like he must have paid special attention to the angle of his hat and the buttoning of his suit.

  7. I think Jimmy needed to be taught how to tie as tie as well :) He obviously didn't like to conform.

  8. Love all those hats ! So wish we wore hats these days

  9. They're very smartly turned out as a family, which is always nice to see. Maybe Jimmy was relieved to be able to loosen his tie and relax about after being on best behaviour in church.

  10. Good to see that boys played up to the camera even back then, and could look casul even when wearing a tie. The two ladies don't look too pleased to be photographed though, perhaps they were anxious to get home and prepare the Sunday roast.

  11. I bet uncle Jimmy was quite the fun person to know! A very nice photo.

  12. A photo filled with vintage styles. I like the variety of smiles too.

  13. They all were on their Sunday's best, I suppose. Nice photo!

  14. I have photos of an uncle who favored the double-breasted suit.

    Yeah, those hats were great!


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