Friday, June 21, 2013

Happy Solstice dear friends

I don't have a ritual this year for this high holy day of yore.

It may be called Mid-Summer, but the calendar calls it First Day of Summer.

My elder friend from Denmark tells of sitting by the shore late into the night with a bonfire on the rocks or on rafts that floated out to sea.

Apparently other countries do "pole dancing" as well as jumping bonfires.  I've always associated these dances with the May Day or Beltain celebrations.  I must have more Celtic roots than they do.

Whatever you do, try to spend some of the time in a natural setting, with stars overhead, and maybe lightning bugs blinking around the trees and bushes.

And remember all life is connected, so just as the stars shine on us, we can shine to others.

Take a deep breath, smell whatever you have in your environment that feeds your lungs, your spirit.  That's why it's called in-spir-ation.

Happy Solstice.

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