Sunday, May 5, 2013

May ancestor's birthday: Isaac Booth

Good news, another descendent of this ancestor has started emailing me more information.  She is a half third cousin once removed (that's what she says!)

I celebrate Isaac Booth's birthday on May 16, 1795.
I think he would be my 4 times great grandfather.  (Do you start the count when you start saying great grandfather, or when you would just say grandfather?  Never knew that for sure.)

Generational listing (starting with myself as number 1)

1.) Barbara Booth Rogers, daughter of
2.) Mataley Mozelle Webb Rogers, daughter of

3.) Mozelle Booth Miller Webb, daughter of
4.) Eugenia Almetta Booth Miller, daughter of  

5.) Eugenia Almetta Whitty Booth, wife of
5.) Judge William Lewis Booth  b. 2.17.1818, d. 2.24.1894, Colonel, brother to 6 siblings and son of

6.) Isaac Booth b. 5.16.1795, Connecticut, USA, d.- 8.17.1836, Green Creek, Sandusky County\ Ohio, USA, buried in McPherson Cemetery, Clyde, Sandusky County Ohio, USA (see pic of gravestone which says name,and death date and "in his 42nd yr")
buried 20 Aug 1836.

Note before continuing, there is a published ( family tree which has Isaac as the son of  Robert Booth and Elizabeth Wilson. who were married in Ireland six years after Isaac was born and most of their many children were born there, and they have no child by the name of Isaac, SO I surmise this is not an accurate link on the tree.  Unfortunately that leaves me without any of Isaac's true ancestors at this time.  But his wife does have her ancestors substantiated by their grave records.

NOTE AGAIN: As of May 2, 2013, I have found a new family tree on which makes much more sense.  So I will check all the records which are given and see if it has verification.  There are lots of census and birth and death records, so I think this may be true.  Whoopee for continuing the search when it seems unlikely the way someone else printed it up!

Well, I'm stymied with the directions. I found a complete family tree with Isaac on it, but can't get it merged into my tree.  The source is HERE and goes back another 10 or so generations.  As far as I can see, instead of a copy and paste technique, they want me to copy each person, then all the relationships, then all the verifying citations, and create the whole thing over again.  Sorry, I don't think I'll live long enough to do that.  I am glad to find that Isaac's parents are part of this other tree, called The Booth Family Pathways.

McPherson Cemetery, Clyde, Sandusky County Ohio USA
"Isaac Booth Died 17 August, 1836, in his 42nd yr" (buried 20 Aug 1836)

Isaac Booth 
married 6.12.1817
6.) Jane McElhaney (McElhany) Booth, b. 10.30.1794, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, USA, d. Oct. 3, 1833 (more on her life will be coming soon!)

(*) Info on West Hanover Township, Dauphin, Pennsylvania (part of present day Harrisburg):
Originally a part of the County of Lancaster, Pennsylvania and Paxton Township, West Hanover Township was formed by action of the court of Lancaster in 1785.  On March 4, 1842 East and West Hanover Townships of Dauphin County were finally designated as separate governmental precincts.
Historical sources list the earliest settlements in the area of West Hanover as prior to 1735.  Many of these settlers, were of Scotch-Irish Presbyterian origin that came in large numbers with English Presbyterian and Protestant refugees to Penn’s Woods.
Census records from 1800 list 1,862 inhabitants and thirteen (13) slaves.  For the year 1820 there were 2,618 inhabitants.
Isaac and Jane Booth had the following children:
I was curious if the Booth seniors might have been in a town where one of their children lived, since they were buried in Ohio, rather than any of the towns they had lived in before their deaths.  And it looks as if Jane McElhaney Booth's death might have been affected by her last daughter's childbirth in July, when she died in Oct. of the same year.  The baby only outlived her mother by 3 months.

But I just turned off because my family tree has been switched so my grandmother is now listed as the wife of my great grandmother, as my grandmother's husband.  Something is sure screwy with it today.  It wasn't like that yesterday.  And my tree is listed as "private" too!

However, I had a cup of something warm to drink and went back to fix the family tree problem, so my grandmother is back in the right place.  

And now I return to pondering the reason that Isaac and Jane were buried in Ohio.  Her one-year-older brother, Matthew McElhaney, also apparently died in Ohio about 10 years after she did, so maybe he made arrangements for their burials.  

And I just found this note added by another genealogical searcher who is somehow related to us Booths.

"Matthew (McElhaney) was obviously the caregiver of the family.  He never married. He had his mother, Elizabeth and brother Robert living with him on 1820 census;  his mother Elizabeth with him on 1830 census;  his mother,  and his sister Jane’s children,  Charles,  Lucinda and Daniel Booth on 1840 census.  Upon his death, in 1845, he willed a portion of his property to Isaac and Jane Booth’s children and his brother Robert and his mother, Elizabeth.  He named his brother Robert as the administrator of his estate." 

A note about Jane's younger children being in Uncle Matthew's household in 1840; that was after Jane died in 1833 and Isaac in 1836.  The children were orphaned but ages 13, 17 and 20.  My 3 times-Great-grandfather William Lewis had married in 1838, so was out of the household by then.

I know I spend hours doing this kind of search (not really research, though it is new to me) so I can piece together a person's actual life.  For instance, another posting on just told me that Isaac Booth had been a Tanner & Shoemaker (cobbler.)   What an important profession! Thanks Cheryl, for all the time you've spent on the Booth portion of our families.


  1. I have an extensive research on and even though no connection with yours, I enjoy reading these ancestral blogs.

  2. Thanks Pat. Glad to know you enjoy it. I sure do enjoy doing the "detective work."


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