Saturday, April 6, 2013

Ahhhh, a long day

REI's April Fools pic.  I'm assuming lots of PhotoShop.
The animal rights activists would definitely come after REI for this cutie.  I do like the way they make her look so pathetic.  Know any hikers who have this look?  Oh oh.

Me back to real yoga today.
Well, I'm so glad I've been doing the 15 min. of Senior-Cise each morning for the last couple of weeks.  Nothing like yoga however.  I am now vividly aware that having not done it for the last year, my joints and muscles have forgotten how to go in some of those places that they used to go.  Groan.

The Shahara Peace Choir sang for a rather small audience, but did give a good performance at Ten Thousand Villages.  In the past we've had people standing in the back.  I didn't see that today.  But we sounded great!

My feet got really sore by the third hour of standing on them, though there had been a break after the rehearsal.

I came home and got totally horizontal.  Then the cramps started in my muscles of my feet.  I've been having that a lot in my hands when throwing pottery or trimming...just holding tools and doing carving.  It's not in the joints, but when the muscles across the tops of my hands make a finger or thumb (both hands) go sideways in a very painful cramp.  Same thing happened across my foot.  My feet respond well to having a heating pad available for a half hour afterwards.

I'm trying to do some strengthening exercises for my fingers.  My doctor said to make sure my calcium and potassium is up, and the last blood work showed plenty of calcium in my blood.  I eat bananas all the time too.  Any suggestions welcome.

I also just finished watching an old Brit TV series Pillars of the Earth, from Netflix.  I was intrigued by the special effects.  I was glad to fast-forward through some of the battles.  And I did delight in the cathedral being built.  But from my limited experience around architecture, I remember medieval cathedrals were centuries in the building, and often didn't have stone floors for a long time.  So this one which was built with a stone floor right away, not to mention being completed so fast, seemed to belong to the fantasies of the novel and movies.  That was until I looked up Salisbury Cathedral in England, which was completed in 38 years.  I couldn't find anything about the floor however.

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