Sunday, March 31, 2013

Blue Ridge Parkway

Yesterday, Saturday, March 30, 2013, I drove up on the Parkway as far as it was open going north.  This is the first overlook from turning on at US 70. 

If this elevation is 2720, I figure my home is probably at around 2600 feet in Black Mountain. Purely conjecture.  I enjoy coming up on the Parkway, but don't do it as often as I really would like to.  Being open only 6 miles past the Folk Art Center, maybe not many of the tourists were really interested, so the traffic wasn't very bad yesterday.

Asheville Mall is the pale collection of buildings and parking lots, seen from (I'd guess) 5 miles away.
While I was 69, which is what this blog is all about, actually, I would come up and sit at one of the overlooks, and do whatever I felt like.

Can you guess what I did yesterday?

The cut from the mountain to form the Blue Ridge Parkway
I have a lot more photos to share later.  I did enjoy sitting in the sun and reading at one of the overlooks.  And it was interesting to see all the houses right in the woods around the Parkway without the foliage concealing them as it does most of the year.  This Parkway is right amidst neighborhoods.

Happy Easter, to those who celebrate it.  Happy Passover doesn't sound quite right, since it was more of a blessing to be passed over from the plagues in Egypt for the Jews.

So have a really good day whatever you do.  Spring is coming.

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