Thursday, February 21, 2013


My son Russ when he was around 5.  Taken with a Kodak Instamatic camera with really poor resolution.

It was a fun afternoon, enjoying watermellon with my kids and friends, and maybe family.  I well remember my sister visiting with her young daughter one time.  We lived in Tampa, and my sister lived in Tennessee, and her husband's business took him back and forth to Coral Gables (Miami area) frequently.  So they would usually stop for the night at my home whenever they were driving back and forth.  I was glad to have the company, though I was working a full time job at the time and didn't get to spend as much time with them as I would have liked.

I'll have to dig out some pictures of my sister's log cabin on a mountain in Tennessee sometime.  We did visit her several summer vacations, especially after I bought a camper van.

Oh here's Russ Connecticut.  Couldn't resist adding this "update".

Still smiling!

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