Monday, January 7, 2013

Grandma Miller moved a few times

Though she had been born in Hillsboro, Texas, she made her home in San Antonio.  She raised her 4 daughters, and probably her grandchildren as well.

My mother's "grandma" is Eugenia Miller, here with my mother, Mataley (age 5) and 2 of her play mates in San Antonio.

I think of their household.  Eugenia and her husband, Charles Mueller (changed to Miller probably when he arrived in America) and their 4 daughters, living in San Antonio, Texas by 1922.  But they had certainly done a little relocating in the years since their marriage in October, 1896 (in Hillsboro, TX).

Charles probably had a schedule of being out of town for long stretches of time as a conductor on the railway.  He came originally from Mecklenberg, Schwerin, Germany.  I don't have the documents that tell when he arrived in the US, but he apparently was still young and landed with either parents or a brother.  And of course I don't know if he was always a conductor.

When the picture was taken in 1922, the Miller daughters were:
Mozelle Booth Miller, (my grandmom) born 1897 Hillsboro, TX. married first in 1915 in San Antonio.
Rowena Eugenia Miller) born 1900 in Hillsboro, TX, (whose first child was born in 1930 in San Antonio, TX, second child born 1939.)
So after these two babies were born in the Booth family town of Hillsboro, if not the actual household, then there were two more born in different towns.
Dorothy Dain Miller, born 1903 Houston, TX (married late, no children)
Margaret Etha Miller, born 1909 in Smithfield, TX, never married, no children.

My mother came along in 1917, in San Antonio TX, and her father died in1919. then she had a step father from 1924 to __________ when he died.  So when this picture was taken, she and her mother were probably living with her grandma.

I looked up Hillsboro, TX, and it's south of Dallas.  Smithfield is a bit southeast of Austin, which is northeast of San Antonio.  There's a lot of distance between all these locations, which must have been determined by Charles' work needs.

Sometime between 1909 in Smithfield and 1922 when the above picture was taken, the Millers moved to San Antonio.  Wait, there's also Mozelle's marriage in 1915 in San Antonio, so they were probably already there at that time.  Isn't this like doing research just by looking at dates and places?

My mother remembered living with her grandmother, and said she spent a lot of time with her "Aunt Margaret" who was just  8 when my mother was born.  So she was a teenager when this picture was taken.  Guess who got to baby sit!

Note to myself, look up date of step grand-dad Munhall's death.


  1. Hi again, For clarification, Patricia Eugenia Rogers, Rowena Miller Roger's first child, born 1929. Her second child, Robert Shelton Rogers was born in 1930. And, Margaret was a great presence in our childhood too! Leslie Lowrey Neilson

  2. Can't wait to hear more about your branch of the family! I spend lots of hours looking up various ancestors...and then talking about them here.


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