Sunday, January 27, 2013

Flowers bloom then...

The delicate tracery of the flower cells shows through the light.  The Amaryllis has been growing and blooming since Christmas day.  Now is the time to cut it back, and let the bulb rest, and then hopefully have more growth this winter.

Since I'm trying to celebrate all stages of life these days, I've recorded the demise of the Amaryllis.  It does make me sad now.

Hanging in the kitchen as if they were herbs drying didn't last.  I kept seeing the red hanging there like a piece of meat.  It was sent to the recycling place very soon.

And into the living room came a gardenia bush that has been over-wintering on an enclosed porch (aka my studio) which didn't have much heat or light for the last month.

Now the other little plants will be fertilized and warmly welcomed where there's a southern exposure, and a heater all day.  They have been patient during the dark time.  And of course there's space for a cat to look out and leave nose prints on the window.

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