Tuesday, January 15, 2013

And I got home to...

Aug. 31, 2011 Wed.
(From email to The Brain and The Flowery One)
<Just threw out the melted mess of last of my ice cream.

I wondered why that beer I drank half of last night wasn't cold.
<The refrigerator/freezer have bit the dust.

So that meant ferrying my foodstuffs to a friend's freezer in her basement, and talking with my landlady about a new refrigerator.  That was really wonderful, and after various measurings, she went and ordered one, to be delivered on Sun.  

Sept. 1 THurs
<In the middle of the night I realized the stove would also have to be dragged out of the kitchen, cause the walk area is too small to get the refrig. through.  So now I'm thinking of how to move most everything portable into the living/dining room. 
<Wonder what happened to coming home to my old life?  It's sure changed!

Fri Sept 2
>I've had the IBS hit again, and missed the bathroom by about a minute.  Drat.  Had to park, go in library, get the key to restroom, and then clean up my mess.  So I definitely got Imodium, and took a small dose.  Usually I don't have another episode after one when I'm out, but I'm planning to eat the one person pizza I got from grocery also.  I can cook it before it goes bad, from being frozen to being in my "cooler" freezer, which is a steady 55 degrees. 
 <I did go by The Enlightened One's cause I hadn't seen her since I got home.  There were a bunch of her ashram friends from VA visiting, as well as  two of my local friends.  Glad to see each of them, as well as meet the other 3.  They all knew much more about Hindu gods and goddesses than I ever have.

Sat. Sept 3
>Well, I sold a bunch today, and the others did too.  I'm so happy!   
(NOTE:This is the Tailgate Market every Sat. morning during the summer in Black Mountain.  I had not sold any pottery the 2 weeks I was gone)
<I'm home, enjoying reading, thinking of how I'm going out for ice cream later on, but I just had yogurt.
<Flowery One, if I'm lactose intolerant, wouldn't it make me have the runs any time I eat it?  I only get them in spurts (sorry for the pun) and then have days like this one, without going at all.  IBS is like that.

<I may go to the apple festival tomorrow, if the fridge is installed without taking up most of the day.  I want to go to the church service about spirituality in nature...should be right up my alley!

Sun. Sept 4
>I had been trying to write to L. about my feelings, but started crying cause I couldn't think of a word.  It is worse when I'm feeling feelings!  You know how that happens I'm sure.  Stress of feeling emotional makes me more emotional.  So the tears just come.

<Anyway, I wanted the [women's] group to be more peaceful, and have a process that is comfortable and positive, and there's a word with a "c" that I still don't know what it is.
<So, that's where I am today.  Everyone in the group is trying to understand me, and me too.  Whether it's The Enlightened One's end of life care needs, or spending 10 days with travels...or having to get a new refrigerator...duh...I'm just a mess.

Sun Sept 4
<The new refrig is in place, and happily freezing my trays of ice very nice and fast.  But when they pulled the old one out, you should have seen the floor under it!  It was awful. And i had just a few minutes to scrape it up (with a trowel) and then scrub it down with vinegar, hot water and huge towels.  I wasn't too happy about the furry greasy wet mess that was left over from the old frig leaking for months/years? as well as the dog hairs, and probably cat fur too...oh my it was awful.

<So did I mention how awful that mess was?  Awful!

<And then I went over to D.'s and picked up my freezer full of food, and now it's in the new freezer.


<I ate Wendy's on the way home, then fell asleep.

<I think was the second nap today...

Mon. Sept 5
From The Flowery One (she emailed me after going to the races with relatives)
>I had a wonderful day. The Silent One [her husband] enjoyed having his day to himself doing whatever he wanted. The tenants were quiet. Only one locked herself out and there were just a couple that were mad at each other over something. And The Silent One got pizza brought home to him from leftovers, so he was happy. I didn't get home until 8:30! I went right to bed and right to sleep after only watching TV to unwind for a few minutes.

>Barb, yuck on under your old refrigerator! That couldn't have been healthy to have spores from the mold floating in the air, not with your COPD especially! That was a blessing that the old refrigerator died so you could find that out and get it cleaned up and no more yuck in the air! How wonderful to have a brand new refrigerator too!

"We have a spiritual practice of thinking of a fire hydrant as a saint - it's standing there waiting to be of service. It's a way to start reframing our relation to all the everyday things around us.  Frederic Brussat, 100 Ways to Keep Your Soul Alive

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