Thursday, October 25, 2012

Two roads diverged

in an autumn woods, to paraphrase Frost in another season.

I was definitely following his advice however, drawn to the un-gravelled one, with just a few tracks.

Unfortunately it had a severe barrier saying it was private property.

I didn't want to choke every time a vehicle roared down the gravel road, so I chose a little path, with markers in blue, I wonder which trail it was.

I didn't go far today.

My optician called just as I pulled off the Blue Ridge Parkway saying my new lenses were ready.

I was so excited about getting new eyes.  I'll be able to edit photos better.  I'll be able to see what I'm stepping on.  Oh goodie goodie.  So I turned around rather than going higher.  Another day would have to do to go to the peaks and vistas.  The sun may be bright, but the far off peaks are shrouded in haze.  Must be something besides our usual humidity, because it feels delightfully dry.

I did pick up my glasses.  I can see!  What a lovely thing, thanks to Ben Franklin for thinking up bi-focals.  And thanks to cell phones so I could receive the call away from everywhere.  Our technological life is not half long as you can afford it.  When I went to pick up my prescriptions I found I'm now in the dire straits (for the next 2-1/2 months) of the DREAD DONUT HOLE of Medicare.  My drugs did explode in cost.  What kind of plan is this dumb thing?  I will just stop taking some of them, or reduce the doses.  I sure won't try to get them, which means I'm playing with my life.  But where is a Social Security check supposed to come up with that kind of money?  I'm using my emergency fund to get glasses, by gosh.

But the vision is priceless.  So this may be a bit of a rant, but at least I can see what I'm talking about.  I may be writhing on the ground from various ailments...ok, I'm kidding.  I'll take whatever is life sustaining.  I'll only skip the ones that are life-comforting...if that's really a difference in drugs.  I think so, possibly. 

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